“W” Classes are part of Albertus Magnus College’s comprehensive Writing Program, which
includes the Writing Center and Writing Associates (peer tutors). In order to give our students
a solid foundation in writing, “W” classes ensure that students receive cross-curriculur writing
instruction and develop familiarity with discipline-specific language and conventions.

Considerations for “W” Courses:

• In class, consider giving
students examples of
discipline-specific writing and

• If you are not comfortable
correcting grammar on a
student’s essay, consider circling the errors and
recommending the student visit the Writing Center
for assistance with revision.

• Please consider adding an evaluation of student
writing to your assignment rubrics so that the
quality of the writing is assessed as part of the
assignment grade.

• Consider incorporating peer review into your class.
You might consider Writing Center-supported peer
review, which is beneficial regardless of discipline.
If you are interested in discussing options for
incorporating peer review into a class, please
contact Natalie DeVaull at ndevaull@albertus.edu.

• If you do allow or require revision in your “W”
class, please consider encouraging students to visit
the Writing Center. Revision is an opportune time
for students to be motivated to improve their
writing and experience success with the writing

• Please contact me if you would like me to give
your students a short introduction to the Writing
Center or a brief presentation on anything writing
related, including crafting organized arguments,
avoiding plagiarism, and fixing sentence errors.

Requirements for “W” Classes:

In a “W” class, students should:
1. Make one visit to the Writing Center (with
draft in hand)
2. Produce 15 pages of writing
3. Complete two ePortfolio assignments in
which they reflect on their writing